# of watchers: 8
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| D20: 19 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
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Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Number of voters: 114
a) [Steph-O-Melon]
Number of votes: 49 (43%) Voters: [Pandora♥xcore], [m.], [zhoban], [Fre$h to Death], [silverdagger], [Knights Queen], [Silently Morbid], [Austin#1], [Strawberie Shortcake], [Chen Stormstout], [deathschild], [risky], [eyelinertears], [sexythang07], [ENGAGED TO THE BEST, TRAVIS RUNNING WOLF], [Geistwolf], [*Babygurl*], [(*|_Buster_|*)], [Combat Engineer], [byez], [xLoveEternalx], [lame!], [FuckEp], [johnnyp06], [grayheaven], [Mr. Pimp], [kingofhearts3026], [Dayokarma], [twinkletoes], [Evanescence - Hello], [♥lOVE MEE OR hAtE MEE♥], [KillChasityDead], [.nymphetamine.], [cheerbaby55], [oxyJ3N], [*Suicidal Cupcake*], [=Φ.Φ=], [IxI_JeSsIcA_IxI], [p7], [ScareCrow], [Ryoko], [bjhgvy], [._], [dustin], [FCUK.], [pyro the maniac], [|St|ephie _x], [Paul !], [teardrops in the rain]
b) [FireGypsy]
Number of votes: 15 (13%) Voters: [Elf_Person], [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!], [Noxxie], [Stewie Griffin (Insane Clown)], [Punk_chick69], [♥Kristy♥], [Goodbye EP], [Just someone], [0_that one guy], [The Girl at the Rock Show], [wheelsy], [bãby drãg], [..:*:..:DirTy $ouThsiDe PimPin:..:*:..], [I love my baby so much], [Evil Baby(im a fatass bitch)]
c) [Mister Awesome]
Number of votes: 3 (3%) Voters: [Izzeyl], [nemesio], [Haruno Sakura]
d) [The Harliquin Romantic]
Number of votes: 4 (4%) Voters: [System message], [FireGypsy], [kunn-lan], [♫The Awesomeless!♫]
e) [Raiyr]
Number of votes: 2 (2%) Voters: [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing], [SilentScream]
f) [Firenze]
Number of votes: 3 (3%) Voters: [Elandain], [Celtore], [Cheap wine box]
g) [Kaos101]
Number of votes: 3 (3%) Voters: [viking prince], [hytrjuhytjhgjg], [~Cerys~Cymraeg~]
h) [Wolfe In Chef's Clothing]
Number of votes: 7 (6%) Voters: [Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum], [jessiehot], [Soft as Bone], [rock your sh*t up], [alex..], [Fear of the Soul], [Raiyr]
i) [nevan]
Number of votes: 12 (11%) Voters: [GRR. ROAR. LOL], [FallenVictim], [CrAzY ChUeY], [SarahToxic™], [psychosis], [Monster Master], [DrakeA], [Nightmare Blood], [Kiss the Dark], [Drake SC], [Kiss me, please?], [Aes Sedai]
j) [BlindGuardian]
Number of votes: 3 (3%) Voters: [Shatureel], [It takes a disaster to learn a lesson], [Waiting for Death]
k) [~altopia~]
Number of votes: 4 (4%) Voters: [Eyes of the Reaper], [GANA], [Tear], [+_ Aussie_Beach_Boy _+]
l) [raffle ticket]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
m) [zoloftzantac]
Number of votes: 9 (8%) Voters: [Firenze], [The Witch's Cat], [kittykittykitty], [DS0000], [your enigma], [james080], [anime_geek], [*butterflykisses and suicidenotes*], [Asrun]
n) [Viperess]
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
Number of comments: 231
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